Pursuant to the 18th Amendment of the Constitution of Pakistan, the subject of higher education was devolved to the provinces and the Punjab Higher Education Commission (“PHEC”) was established. PHEC shall redefine its mandate beyond “monitoring, evaluating and accrediting” institutions without, of course, going beyond the authority provided by law under the Punjab Higher Education Commission Act 2014 (the “Act”) or interfering with the freedom of universities provided to them by their respective Acts. Indeed, PHEC shall aspire to lead in education and research, and to benefit society through its commitment to excellence. Its mission shall be to improve the quality and usefulness of higher education by providing guidance so that universities can improve their systems in providing knowledge and skills to produce a modern, competent and useful workforce.  

The administration, academia and stakeholders of universities shall not only be aware of the goals of their universities but shall also be cognizant of recent national as well as global challenges. With the belief that education is the only means through which Pakistan can prosper and become a modern country in the world, PHEC shall endeavour to inculcate social values in its universities by ensuring that its administrators, teachers and students are accordingly trained.

Apart from the weak PHEC, there are four other entities strongly linked to universities, i.e. the Chancellor’s inadequate Secretariat, the over-burdened Higher Education Department, the Provincial Assembly, and the Chief Minister’s Secretariat. In my opinion, while maintaining inclusivity of the aforementioned four entities, PHEC must gather the strength and there should be appropriate regulations which establishes PHEC’s independence and increases its role in accordance with its powers and functions provided under Section 10 of the Act, enabling it to play a more valuable part with respect to the vast number of universities. The insight of all constituents in appropriate extents will shape the broader spectrum and future sketch of universities. PHEC shall commit itself to function in order to ensure that the universities are working in true spirit of the rules and regulations, and in line with the principles of transparency, quality and merit without compromising on the independence of the universities.

Having a large number of universities in the province, PHEC can play a significant role by validating its significant contribution as an academic representative of HEC. Exploiting the fascinating history and geography of the region, PHEC must aim to become the provincial hub of intellectual activities. Competent philosophers, scientists and economists will encounter challenges with their knowledge, expertise and skills. PHEC shall contribute to innovative research, growth and productivity, which shall in turn lend political and economic strength to society. Communal norms, spiritual persuasion, respecting difference of opinions and tolerance shall be embraced by PHEC. Academic innovations are one of the prime objectives of the PHEC and initiating academic programmes that realize the importance of relevance will help meet national challenges and indigenous problems.

PHEC shall ensure systematic and regular review of universities’ research and development to ensure its practical utility as usually claimed. Links between universities, industries and society ought to be established to contribute to the solution of the human resource issue in our country. In this regard, PHEC should ensure that universities conduct regular workshops on various topics to provide modern techniques and guidance to low-income semi-skilled professionals. PHEC shall help in developing courses and systems in universities to conduct such workshops in distant localities.

Unfortunately, outdated content in academic curriculum poses a great challenge to student in the market, industry and society. PHEC shall ensure that rapid changes in environment, science and technology, social progression, economic challenges and political philosophies will not only be understood but also be incorporated in the curriculum. The need for revision or upgradation shall be identified and conveyed to the relevant bodies. 

PHEC shall work for the betterment of education beyond the boundaries of a university. In the recent past, there has been profuse proliferation of affiliated colleges administered by various universities which has adverse effects on the standard of education being imparted to students. PHEC shall collect data about all such colleges, their teachers and students in order to regulate the affiliation system with the ultimate aim of gradually, but considerably, reducing the number of affiliated colleges. There is no logical social utility in having multiple public colleges in the same city (or vicinity) where a main university is located. Instead of shutting them down entirely, such colleges shall eventually be converted into certificate/diploma awarding skills colleges affiliated with technical universities which would supplement PHEC’s goal to cure the disease of human resource shortage in the country.

Though a university is never recognized exclusively for its buildings and structural set-up, there is no denying that these are fundamental parameters. The development process to a great extent depends on the general economic situation of a country. The requirements of modern universities are changing at a phenomenal pace. Our public universities lack modern infrastructure, depriving our youth of the facilities of the current day and age. State-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, conference/meeting rooms, sophisticated class rooms, work stations for faculty and administration, sports complex, hostels and transport for students are some of the major resources promptly needed once a university is established. PHEC shall guide universities in enhancing their infrastructure in accordance with its future plans.

Exceptional financial management is mandatory for sustainability and progression. PHEC must pursue alternate sources of income for the universities in Punjab in order to ensure financial independence. PHEC shall develop its own strategy for raising funds within a fixed timescale. It shall make most of the commercial value from the universities’ intellectual property and research, and develop commercial income opportunities from the universities’ estates and other facilities. PHEC should have the capability to help universities in Punjab develop sustainable independent revenue earning systems.

There is a dire need for a strong and effective administration in universities. PHEC must establish a system that educates university administrators up to the level of BS-19 who can reinforce their own systems. Competent administrative set-ups in universities will not only have the capabilities to resolve a majority of complications, but also foresee the future and provide guidance to touch new horizons. This will ensure administrative and academic excellence and performance, which will sketch universities’ needs over a much longer timescale.

PHEC needs to recognize the importance of alumni in nation-building. Alumni generate invaluable word-of-mouth marketing among their social and professional networks. They are the most likely group to give back to their institution and society (if the institution has done its job right) owing to their sense of pride and gratitude towards their institution. A strong link between alumni relations and fundraising will not only enable universities to generate finances by way of alumni contributions of varying amounts by making them self-sufficient to a great extent, but provide an avenue for institutions to be engaged in the professional lives of alumni.

Rapid demographic transition and the resultant increase in young adults entering the labour market holds vast potential in catalyzing growth and raising living standards in Pakistan. 64% of the country’s population is under the age of 29 and the youth between the ages of 15 and 29 make up 30% of the country’s total labour force. With their demographic size and more importantly their fresh ideas and energy, if provided with a conducive environment, they can lead the way to sustainable human, social and economic development in the country. The foregoing are the broad ideas that one should like to implement to ensure that educational institutions in Pakistan have competent administrative, financial and examining systems, freeing them from all kinds of social, political and internal pressures and rendering them wholly and solely committed to excellence, community development to foster innovation and creativity, develop leadership, argument and debate, inculcate tolerance and openness and promote peace, and build the character and personality of learners. It is believed that the future of higher education is bright in Pakistan and academic excellence can be achieved by following PHEC’s road map with enthusiasm, with commitment, and without fears.  


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